Color Analysis

Color Analysis

Have you ever noticed that certain clothing colors make you look tired and washed out, but others can instantly make you look stunning? You didnโ€™t imagine this, there is a reason why this happens and it’s all about color theory. At Queen of World we offer Personal Color Analysis, a system that takes our skin and eye tone, hair color and defines the best color palette for you. We put the chic in your life!

โ€œThe whole point is to live life and be - to use all the colors in the crayon boxโ€

Queen of World was founded over 20 years ago and has since become a pioneer in luxury cosmetics and special cosmetic treatments. In 2008 we went out to develop a franchise in Germany, offering hair removal services.

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+1 (649) 946-5999


Turks and Caicos Islands Unit F103 Regent Village Grace Bay, Providenciales P.O. BOX 1515, TKCA 1ZZ